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It's rainy again today, but I hope it clears up before my 6pm class. Also as of tomorrow I will not have access to the internet as I am going on vacation, and I won't be back until Nov.3th. But don't worry I'm taking ffffound images with me and I will still be writing a poem each day. I will then post all the poems and images when I get back. So enjoy today's poem, and I will see you all when I get back!
MeltingMelting away into the darknessInto nothingnessInto everyday lifeTo be forgotten
It rained for a good part of today, and it is supposed to do more of the same tomorrow. I have a midterm tomorrow morning, so we'll see how that goes. Anyway enjoy the poem!
InspirationI look aroundIt comes from everywhereThe smells,The images,And the sounds,All give me ideasIdeas that growGrow inside meAnd become free in my work
I had a nice day at home yesterday, and I came back to my dorm today. It's funny at the being of this year I wasn't so sure how I'd like this new dorm, but now I really do feel like it's my second home. Enjoy today's poem, and don't forget to comment I'd love to hear from you! Also don't forget to please spread the word about my blog to others. Thanks as always I really appreciate it!

So simple
So peaceful
My own space
My own place
Of paradise
It was sunny and really mild out today. It truly was a beautiful fall day! Hope everyone had a great weekend, here's to a great week. Enjoy today's poem!
MysteriousAnd beautifulFlowing with creativity
It rained on and off today, pretty hard at times too. It's supposed to clear up and be nice tomorrow so we'll see. Hope you all are having a good weekend, enjoy today's poem!
You're differentYou're not like the restI'm different tooI stand outBut it's okDifferent is goodCookie CuttersOnly workFor cookies after all
It was cloudy and cold again today. I spent most of the day inside just relaxing, didn't really do much. Hope you enjoy today's poem, have a great weekend!
Kicking back
Doing nothing but dreaming
The weather today continued to be nice and mild. It's supposed to rain this weekend but we'll see what happens. Tomorrow starts my usually four day weekends, which always makes me happy! Enjoy today's poem!
I can't explain itBut I feel itWhen I see you
It's a sparkIt's somethingI can't placeI don't even knowKnow how to explain it
But whatever it isWhen I see youI know itAnd I knowI like you
Today it was almost 70 degrees outside and tomorrow is looking to be about the same. Yet, last week it was cold and rainy. Granted I'm not complaining I love warmer weather it just seems so strange for this time of year. Anyway my day was long but good. I'm tired but I'll leave you with this poem before I go to bed tonight. ENJOY! :)
It's warm
It's like a high
A feeling like no other
Smile brimming across your face
I love it
That face
Cause I know
I know I've done it
I've made you happy
I've made you feel safe
It was a really mild and nice today, which made me really happy. My afternoon class was great and I got an extra bonus when my night class was canceled! I was able to catchup on some homework and other things I had to do. Here is today's poem; as always please feel free to comment I love to hear from you!
Chicken Scratch
They all form ideas
Ideas that seem like nothing
And are disregarded
Disregarded by those
Who don't see
Don't see
The value
The strength
The truth
The beauty
The true art
Of the idea
The value
Of something
From nothing
The rain finally cleared up, and it will most likely be sunny all week long. I had a long day, but I got a lot of work done. I still have plenty more to do, but that's my life. Hope today's poem brings some joy to your life!

A speck
A note
A dream
Altogether for a moment
A moment in time
Today was once again cold and rainy. They say the rain should clear up this week, so we'll see what happens. I did some homework today, but didn't get as much work done as I had hoped. But since I don't have to be back at my dorm till tomorrow night, I always have tomorrow to work. Hope you enjoy this as always. And please leave comments I'd love to hear from you, thanks! :)

It's so simple
So easy
Yet so complex
We get it
And we don't
It confuses me
Spins me around
Throws me into another world
Another place
Another time
I don't see it
I don't get it
I feel like we
Like we are trapped
Like we are making it harder
Harder to understand
To see
To feel
To believe
To know what life is
And how simple
It feels
And lives
And breathes
In all of us
Like I said yesterday it's good to be home if only for the weekend. Got to just hang around and relax today which was good, but tomorrow I'll be doing homework. Hope you guys like this poem as always. And please feel free to leave comments, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks again for all your support, I really appreciate it! :)

Don't worry
I got you
I'm here for you
More than you know
You don't see it
But I care
Care so much about you
I've got it
I'll cover you
Don't stress
It's ok
I understand
I get it
It's ok
You're my friend
And I care
But if only you knew
How much
How much I like you
But you're my friend
And that's what matters
Matters most to me
I'm home for the weekend and so far it feels good. But it's still cold and rainy outside and probably will be all weekend. I also noticed that two of the images on here were mislinked so I fixed that, and now all the images should be properly linked. Sorry about that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy today's poem! :)

It's a powerful
And strange emotion
Something that's not easy
Not easy to explain
It's something like love
And yet it's not
It's missing something
Missing something unexplained
Something that can't be named
Like a human,
A person,
Or a face
It can seem so
So out of place
And take over
Your heart and your mind
It can hurt you
But then again
Would you be the same without it?
It was really cold and wet and rainy today. But other then that it was a good day, and I am feeling a lot better than I did yesterday. Anyway hope you enjoy this!!

Peace and serenity
Help bring you back
Bring you back
To reality
Today was a crazy day, but things are starting to settle out somewhat. So all though not great things are looking up, which is good. Totally feel better then I did earlier that's for sure. Hope everyone is doing well, and I hope you like today's poem. Don't forget to comment, thanks!

Sometimes I wish
I wish I was
Somewhere else
Just in another world
Totally lost
Lost from all reality
Living in a fantasy
Someplace I could go
To be safe
And yet
Come back to reality
And still be myself again
My afternoon class was canceled today which left me free till my next class at 6pm. This gave me time to catch up on a few things. All in all it was a good day. And as always enjoy today's poem!

Have fun with it
Laugh a little more
Be more flexible
Change something
Doesn't matter
Just live
Live like you are someone else
In someplace else
Like you have no idea
No idea what's going on
Then again
Forget it
Just live
Didn't do much today other then homework, I was inside for most of the day. I also realized that I misnumbered the blog entries but it's fixed now. Hope you all are enjoying this, I would love to hear your thoughts on things so far. Thanks! :)
It can be good
It can be bad
When you want something
Something you can't have
Then it can become bad
When it drives you crazy
Cause you are so close
So close you can taste it
And yet you are so far away
You can't let it take over
Take over your life
Cause if it does
It's bad
You have to learn to live
To live with it
Each and everyday
To dream
And yet not let it take over
It's hard
I know
But you've got to try
Fall is totally here as it's starting to get colder outside. Overall I had a good day, didn't do any homework, but I will have to tomorrow. Oh well. Hope you enjoy today's poem, comments welcome as always! Thanks for reading!!

The past
It shapes us
Makes us who we are
Good or bad
It happens
We change
Whether we see it or not
The past changes us
Long week good to be home. Saw Toy Story 3D, it was awesome!!! Enjoy today's poem!!

All swirling around me
What does it all mean
Fridays are the start of my 4 day weekends, because I don't have classes on Fridays or Mondays. Tomorrow I am going to see Toy Story 3D, I'm so excited. Hope you enjoy today's poem!!! Also don't forget to leave your comments as I'd love to hear from you, thanks! :)
It has a smell
It has a feeling
Something unlike anything else
I can't put my finger on it
But I know
I know that it's fall
I had a fun day today doing random spontaneous things that I would have never thought I would've done when I got up this morning. It was a good end to my week of classes.

Life is full of fun
But it's random
Not planned fun
That's the best
The best way to enjoy life
Be playful
Don't forget to be a kid again
Even if you are no longer
No longer a kid
And if you a kid
Don't forget to play
Cause one day you will
You will have wished
You had played more
I had lunch today with two of my friends and it was a lot of fun. Other than that the weather here was cool and windy.

It's out there somewhere
I can feel it
I can taste it
But I don't no if I can reach it
Is it really there
Or am I just seeing things
Whatever it is
I feel something
And for now
I think it is out there
I did a lot of running around today. All in all it was an interesting day, good but definitely interesting.

In and out
Up and Down
The simple ebb and flow of life
I had some computer problems early and wasn't sure I'd be able to post this on time. Luckily I seem to have fixed the problem, so here is today's post on time! Let's hope my computer doesn't act up again.

At night we wander
Wander into an unknown world
Sometimes it's good
Sometimes it's bad
But whatever it is
It's within us
It's something only we can see
Only we can feel
Only we can experience
It's a look inside
Our inner thoughts
And our inner emotions
All played out before us
Like a never ending play
Night after night
The days down 362 more to go!!! Hope you enjoy today's poem. Remember to leave your feedback, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks!

We want it
We search for it
We yearn for it
Yet many fail
Fail to achieve it
We live in a complex world
To find simplicity
Is a gift
A gift that should be cherished
And treated with care
Yet one should remember
Remember to enjoy it
For it brings peace of mind
And relaxes the soul
So enjoy it while it lasts
Because it maybe hard to find again
Day 2 so far so good. Hope you like this one! Please leave your comments I would love to hear from you. Thanks, enjoy!
When we are youngWe don't think about itDon't think it will ever beBe gone foreverInnocenceIt doesn't mean muchWhen we are youngBut when we get oldWe wish we had itWish we had it back
Here it is the first poem! Enjoy!
It's a fantasyIt's a dreamIt hits me all at onceThe sightsThe soundsThe smellsI'm taken overTaken over by it allIt's fuzzyIt's a hazeIt swirls around meIn a wondrous dance of colors