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The weekend went by so fast, I got a few things done homework wise but not nearly enough. Oh well, that's what Mondays are for. One more week of school before Spring Break! Here's to a great week everyone!
I look out into the fieldI see the adventureI feel it in the airAnd I can smell it tooThe road out thereIt's unknownUncharted till nowSo let's goLet's make our own path
I got to spend sometime playing my Wii today, which made me really happy cause I haven't played video games in so long. School takes up so much of my time that I hardly get the chance to play anymore. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
You came to meSo mysteriouslyI've never seen you beforeI was watching tvSo innocentlyWhen you walked through That bedroom doorYou came over to the bedAnd spoke to meNot sure what you saidYour headYour faceYour mouthSo close to mineI grabbed youI embraced youWe madeout like crazyWe rolled aroundThe sweatThe rushThe passionIt felt so goodThough we were just kissingIt still felt so goodSo good to be backThen you faded awayInto the darkness
So we got another snow day today, expect I don't have classes on Fridays to begin with so it really did nothing for me. Have a great weekend everyone!
Well it snowed sort of, first it was a wet snow, then it changed to rain, then back to snow, then to a mix, then finally a light heavy snow. Supposed to snow all weekend! So have a great and safe weekend everyone!
WarmthIt takes many forms
And many shapes
But in the end
It is happiness
So it's supposed to snow for the next three days, and we are supposed to get 6 inches-12 inches tomorrow. I say I'll believe it when I see it, cause right now it's doing nothing outside.
SunshineImagine the warmthImagine the loveImagine the summer
It was cold and rainy out all day today, and it's supposed to be like that all week with a chance of snow this Thursday. In other new my day went better than I thought it would, and I'm excited, as I said before, that Spring Break is soon! Hope you all are doing well, and don't forget to leave comments as I love hearing from you. Thanks again!
I see itAnd I knowI know it is meI can just tellJust tell by the feeling I getThat moment my heart sinksAnd I know who I am
The homework never ends, but I was able to get some work done today. Still got more to do as always, but that's life as I've said before. 2 weeks before my week of Spring Break begins! Can't wait to be home and do what I want!
Floating in the skyDaydreaming about my lifeThinking about the pastAnd how it all went downTrying to rebuildSo many years later
I got nothing done homework wise this weekend, which is only bad in terms of coming up with stuff for my Tuesday night class. Oh well, I have off all day tomorrow; I'll work and hopefully come up with something. Here's to a great week everyone!

All kinds of wonders that take place
In this strange strange place
Lights and lives
A dancing
And prancing about
In the morning gone
Without another sound or song
I went to the Museum of Natural History today and it was really awesome! I hadn't been there since my junior year of high school, so it was nice to go back again. I'll also be there again in a few weeks with one of my classes. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Don't hold it all togetherEven for a secondLet the beauty outLet it shineAnd share it with the world
Today was not bad, looking forward to tomorrow. Hoping to see Celine Dion's new movie,Celine Through the Eyes of the World, this weekend! Have a great weekend everyone!! :)
Laugh wellEnjoy yourselfDon't be afraidTo let yourself go
Today was a good day, things went better tonight then I thought the would. Enjoy today's poem!
Always dreamingAlways thinkingAlways letting thingsFlow in and out of my mind
Today was good, I'm not sure how class will go tomorrow night, but we'll see!
Don't get stuckDon't let others influence youBe yourself
Overall today was a pretty cool day! I'm really happy and excited about my work and hope this enthusiasm lasts me through the rest of the week(and school year). Hope everyone is doing well, and Happy Madi Gras!!!
Growing outBreaking lossLearning to not be
A part of the norm
I really don't know where the day went, it just flew by. I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted but such is life. At least now I have a basic design idea for one of the projects I'm working on, so it's just a matter of putting the rest of it into place. I hope all goes well with it when I have to present it in class tomorrow night. In other news, it's lightly snowing here but I doubt it will really amount to anything at all. Oh well, hope everyone has a great week! :)
GrowthWe liveWe moveWe changeAlways striving to never be the same
Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day! I was able to get some work done today, but I still have more to go. Here's to a great week!

Mysterious enigma
I don't see it all
Or understand it all
But I try
I try to understand you
Today just seemed to blur by so fast, and I still have so much to do. Hopefully, I can get more things done tomorrow. Have a great Valentine's Day everyone!! :)
ColorsBloom and formIdeas unfoldAnd things begin to take shape
So tonight marks the start of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games!! I love watching the opening ceremony it is so amazing and inspirational! And if you haven't seen/or heard the new We Are The World tribute it is a must! That alone was amazing in and of itself. So have a great weekend, and good luck to all those competing in this year's winter games!
SpringIt's comingI feel itIt's in the airIt will be here soon
After yesterday's snow it was finally sunny out today! Ok, so it was still cold, but at least it was sunny.
Crazy randomnessAll spewed out before meHow do I make senseMake sense of it all
It really was a blizzard outside today! Crazy snow and wind, so glad we had a snow day. Got a chance to do I few things for myself today. I went through the deviations I had in my inbox, but didn't get the chance to upload anything. But it's ok cause I feel better now. It's not supposed to snow tomorrow but it is supposed to be very windy outside.

I need to stop fighting myself when it comes to not having ideas for projects. I need to just try and work through and hopefully something will come to me. Tomorrow I have a snow day, so I'll probably spend my morning going through my deviations and messages on deviantart, and hopefully get to upload stuff too. It bugs me when I can't do stuff like that for myself cause I'm always so busy with school. Don't get me wrong I'm happy at school, but sometimes I need time to myself. Hopefully this will help clear mind so I can work on some school work.
IdeasIdeas that swirl in my headCome to meCome to me
Fill my brainAnd inspire me
Today was busy but, I think a lot of good came out of it. Only time will tell what will be, but I hope it's all for the best. I have class tomorrow and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm not looking forward to the snow storm we are supposed to be getting on Wednesday. 130 days, what can I say time flies when you are writing!
Sometimes I knowI know what I wantBut other timesI don'tI see it all before meAnd I don't knowI just don't knowWhat I wantI get confusedOr scaredI panicI need to relaxBreath
And rememberRemember to let my heartGuide me
And trust that it will takeTake me to what IWhat I truly want
I'm not really a football fan (I prefer baseball), but I do watch the Super Bowl every year for the commercials. I have to say though I'm happy for New Orleans they really deserve this win. Congrats to the Saints! Have a great week everyone!
Always changingAlways becoming a newNever stoppingAlways reinventing
It snowed today but it was only a very light coating. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and I think it is supposed to snow again on Tuesday. On that note, I hope everyone has a great Super Bowl Sunday!!!
CreateDon't be afraidFind the extraordinaryIn the ordinaryLet your ideas shineGo out thereCreate a new world
So to say the least me birthday was awesome!!! Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, it's much appreciated!!! :)
SurprisesAre awesomeNothing can explain
Can explain the feelingBut when you feel itYou know
In about 20 minutes or so I turn 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I'll make this quick so I can dance around my room at midnight!!!!!!!!!
LifeIt flies byEach day turns to anotherSo go out and enjoy it
It's two more days till my birthday yay!!!! All I have to do is get through my last two classes tomorrow!
Life it sings to meIt fills me upMakes me danceAnd makes me feel better
Today was a long day so I'm grateful that I only have one class tomorrow. Sadly it's at 9am but at least I'm done by noon. Hope you all are having a great week! :)
Sometimes I feelI feel like I'm losing the powerI start to feel sorry for myself
I must be strongRemain positiveAnd keep the powerAnd the strength going
Today actually wasn't that bad, I really got more done then I thought I would which is always a plus. I still have work to do tomorrow, but now I'm a little more confident. Here's to a great week everyone!
Stick with meI won't fail youTrust in meAnd I will be there for youGive me a chanceTo show who I am